2020 President’sMessage
Invite New Members! – 2020 Rate Card
Notice of 2019 Annual General Membership Meeting
The 2019 annual meeting of Kemp Mill Swimming Club, Inc.’s members will be Wednesday, March 13, in the Media Center at Kemp Mill Elementary School, 411 Sisson Street, Silver Spring, MD 20902. Please arrive by 7:15 p.m. with your copy of the agenda and supporting materials that were emailed to you between February 28, 2019 – March 1, 2019.
On the agenda:
- Discussion of pool operating concerns and costs, and approval of the 2019 annual budget
- Nominations to fill one vacant board seat and election of all other 2019-2020 officers & directors
The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.
If you cannot attend: A proxy ballot authorizing the Treasurer or another Club member to vote on your behalf was included in the annual member packet that was emailed to you. You can sign and mail that form to the Treasurer to vote on your behalf — or to some other Club member. If you choose to have the Treasurer cast your proxy, you’ll find directions on what to do with your proxy ballot in your member packet.
If you need the member packet emailed to you again, please contact Mary Crowley at kempmillswimclubsecy@gmail.com.
See you at the meeting!
Take the plunge into our pool!
Guest Pass Policy
2016 President’s Welcome
2016 Annual Membership Mailing President’s Letter
Dear KMSC Member,
As March approaches, my term as president is drawing to a close. The nominating committee has nominated Eugene Cottilli for KMSC president for 2016. Elections will take place at our general membership meeting on March 15.
The Kemp Mill Swimming Club made awesome capital improvements in 2015 under the guidance of our Operations Director, Bill Waller. In last year’s membership survey, you overwhelmingly responded requesting improvements to the bathrooms. We listened, and new sinks and toilet fixtures were installed. We are also gradually replacing the light pole fixtures around the pool deck. Before opening this season, we will resurface the kiddie pool with a new white coat.
As mentioned last season, one of our financial challenges was factoring in the cost of the recent, and continuing, increases in the minimum wage from $7.25 in September 2014 to $9.55 so far, and headed up to $11.50 by July 2017. Staff wages remain our largest expense each year. These changes will affect the wages we pay across the pay scale. Other costs such as county taxes, county permits, and utilities have steadily increased in the past few years. You can see this expenses trend in our enclosed budget sheet.
As indicated in last year’s mailing, the 2016 budget includes increases in our annual membership dues for the first time since 2009. We have raised the dues to the minimum level possible, and want to see what progress we can make to increase revenues and control our costs and expenses. Please think about helping us get the pool ready for the season on cleanup days and volunteering in any small or big way during the season. The board continues to look for new ways to raise funds that do not add costs to our members, such as camps, expanded snack bar options, and private parties.
For 2016, we will seek to expand our membership again using trial memberships. If you have friends and neighbors who are not yet members, please refer them to our website for information about our trial memberships. We will have a sale of ten 10-week trial memberships at the 2015 rate of $300. After that, the new rate will be $400.
Tollefson Swimming is returning to coach the swim team, and will offer group swim lessons to both new swimmers and those who want to improve their technique. Classes are expanded for 2016. More information about the lessons can be found in this packet. The swim team needs volunteers to help run its many meets and social events. Please consider how you can help.
Our social events were well attended in 2015, especially pizza nights! This regularly scheduled event gained in popularity as the season went on thanks to Ben Yehuda Pizza, so you will be seeing regular pizza nights again in 2016. If you haven’t joined us for a social event, come out and get to know your fellow members and neighbors in a fun, relaxing setting. Got a birthday or other family event to celebrate? Contact a board member, the manager, or one of our front desk attendants for help arranging your event at the pool.
We look forward to seeing you poolside.
Dawn Felsen