Operating Rules

We will be following all Montgomery County and Maryland Department of Health regulations.


Individuals who are granted access to the Club must either be staff, members in good standing, guests of members, or attendees to special events such as summer camps or member parties. See the Supervision of Children section for requirements regarding unaccompanied children under the age of 15. All members and guests must be logged in at the Front Desk in our electronic system, or be listed on party or special event lists provided to the staff in advance. All members and guests *must* enter and exit through the main building, unless directed otherwise by the staff. All guests must be accompanied by a member at all times. Members who bring guests must remain at the pool with their guests – they may not check out before their guests leave. Guests who wish to remain at the pool in the company of a different member, must be checked-out, and checked back in using a new Guest Credit under the other member’s account.

Entry control to the pool facilities is managed using an electronic member access system. We screen and log in 100% of all members and guests for safety and fair treatment of all members. The Staff may ask to verify your member or guest information to assure accuracy. KMSC requires recent individual photos of all members to speed this processing. This system also includes expiration dates for our 10-week Trial Members which will be enforced by the Staff.

Under no circumstances shall anyone claiming membership be permitted entry unless all amounts owed to the Club, including current and past dues and fees, are paid. Membership Fee payments must be made online through your MemberSplash account. Membership payments cannot be made at the front desk. No IOUs are permitted at any time.

Guest Credit purchases must be made online through your MemberSplash account. Guest Credits cannot be purchased at the front desk. No IOUs are permitted at any time. Unused paper guest passes from prior years are no longer valid.

The Front Desk staff cannot waive these rules. Please contact the Membership Director at kmsc-membership@kempmill.org or President at kmsc-president@kempmill.org with any questions. For assistance with your MemberSplash account, please email kmsc-help@kempmill.org. Front Desk Staff are not trained to assist with MemberSplash usage. 


No child under 10 years of age may be left unaccompanied at the pool. All children under 10 years of age must be in the custody of a chaperone who is at least 15 years of age. 

A child 10 years of age through 14 years of age may stay at the pool unaccompanied if the child meets the following criteria:  (1) A signed parental consent form is on record with KMSC. All parents/guardians must review the discipline policy on the parental consent form with their child. Both parent and child must sign a new form each year. (2) The child has passed a swim test administered by the pool staff in the current season. Parents must make arrangements with the Pool staff to administer the swim test. Blank consent forms are *not* available at the desk, and must be printed at home. Both criteria must be in place before the child is permitted at the pool unaccompanied. Members may visit the pool unaccompanied when they reach the age of 15. The Parent Consent Form applies only to members. Guests under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Flotation devices are no guarantee of safe swimming for young children. Parents/guardians are required to monitor their children who are not able to swim independently. Any child in the pool with water wings, a tube, or any other flotation device must be accompanied IN THE POOL by an adult. The supervising adult must remain in the water within arms’ reach of the child at all times. The child and accompanying adult must remain in the shallow section of the pool only. Pool staff has the authority to determine if these rules are being followed correctly.

Infants/children who are not toilet trained and adults who are incontinent who wish to enter the pool, must wear a clean diaper or disposable swim diaper covered by a separate plastic/rubber pant, all of which must fit snugly around the legs and waist. If the diaper becomes soiled, this person must leave the pool immediately, and may not return until he/she has taken or been given a soap shower and has been recovered by a new diaper with clean plastic/rubber pants. Changing diapers is prohibited on the pool deck, and must be done *only* inside the locker rooms.

The misconduct, incontinence, or vomiting of any minor shall be the responsibility of his or her parent or guardian, who shall be monetarily liable for any resulting cost or damages to the Club, its members, or guests. The pool staff must be notified immediately, so that the staff can carry out proper cleaning procedures per County policy. If incontinence or vomiting occurs more than one time during the same pool season, the family will be billed $150 for each occurrence to cover the costs of the additional chemicals needed to disinfect the pool, the costs of the pool staff, and the inconvenience to members who must leave the pool area.


Guest Credits are valid for a single entry. Once checked out, a new Guest Credit will be needed to check back in again. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, limit the number of guests to be given entry to the pool on any day. Guest Credits are intended for use for visitors and other limited guests – and should not be considered as an alternative to paying for a regular membership.

The guest rate is $8.00 per person per day. Members may purchase Guest Credits through their MemberSplash account. Guest Credits are not available for purchase at the Front Desk. Guest Credits are required for every non-member age 2 and up who is entering the facility. Guests under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Unused Guest Credits will carry over to the next swim season.

Any member may arrange to host a party by contacting the Party Coordinator at kmsc-parties@kempmill.org. This allows for picnic areas to be reserved and for proper staffing. Guest credits must be purchased in advance through MemberSplash, at a cost of $8 per non-member guest. (There is no additional charge for party attendees who are members of the pool.) There is a reservation fee of $25 to reserve space for a party at the pool. Groups larger than 20 persons are asked to congregate in the grassy area – and not on the pool deck. Members are responsible for cleaning up at the conclusion of their party, and to return any furniture that may have been moved, back to its original location.


Private/small group swim lessons are available – Please click here for more information about Swim Lessons .


See the main KMSC home page for the current season operating hours. Final whistle is blown 15 minutes before closing. Special before- or after- hours events are possible outside of these hours for a fee that covers staff costs. Contact the President or Membership Director with any questions.

KMSC follows all Montgomery County safety rules and best practices regarding restricted operations during thunder, lightning, or other safety hazards. Operations may also be impacted by weather, pool contamination, or technical issues. The Operator in charge of the facility and staff is authorized to use reasonable judgment in directing late openings, suspended operations, and early closings. Notification of significant changes in operations will generally be communicated on this website, and via Social Media (when possible).


KMSC is a community and we strive to make the pool and Club experience fun, safe, and pleasurable for all members. The Manager and staff shall strictly enforce the following rules:

  1. No person, including minors, may enter and remain in the pool whilst having bodily infection or other evidence posing a risk to the Pool’s sanitation.
  2. Introduction of foreign matter, including excreta, or dangerous objects and materials into the pool is prohibited.
  3. No alcoholic beverages, including beer, may be brought onto the pool premises during regular operating hours.
  4. Food or drink may only be consumed in areas designated for eating. In order to discourage bees, food and drinks must be in closed containers when unattended. Patrons are expected to clean up after themselves.
  5. Glass containers of any kind are not permitted on the Pool premises.
  6. Groups larger than 20 persons are asked to congregate in the grassy area – and not on the pool deck.
  7. Running or horseplay on the pool deck or in the pool is prohibited.
  8. Playing ball on the pool deck or in the pool may be restricted at times, at the discretion of the staff. Games of catch may not be played over other patrons’ heads. Balls or other toys may not be thrown with such force that they could cause pain or injury if they go astray.
  9. Diving or head-first jumping into the shallow areas of the pool from the pool deck is prohibited because doing so may result in serious injury.
  10. Casual conversation with the guards while they are in the guard chair is a distraction. Except when there is an immediate safety issue, patrons who need to bring a concern to a staff member’s attention should speak to the guard in the office. Heckling or harassing the guard staff is strictly prohibited at all times.
  11. Only one person is permitted on the diving board or on the water slide at a time. Patrons must wait until the prior user has reached the ladder before using the diving board or cleared the water under the slide before climbing on the steps.
  12. No pets (other than registered service animals) are permitted within the fenced-in area of the premises at any time. 
  13. Vehicles are not permitted to park on the grass when space is available in the parking lot. Handicapped spaces are not to be used without proper permits. Staff spaces are reserved for on-duty staff at all times.
  14. No one may enter or reenter the pool after athletic activity without first taking a soap shower.
  15. No one may enter or remain in the pool during home swim team meets or any other Board approved special aquatic event. The home swim meet schedule will be posted at the beginning of each season. Notice of other events that close the pool to patrons will be posted 10 to 14 days ahead of the event, when possible. The full schedule of pool events can be found at: https://kempmill.membersplash.com/calendar/
  16. The use of flotation devices with small children is permitted in the shallow end of the pool only. A parent or other person responsible for this child must remain in the water and within arm’s reach at all times to assure their safety.
  17. KMSC is a non-smoking facility. Smoking, including electronic smoking, is prohibited at all times on the pool premises (including the parking lot). Drugs, and those under the influence of drugs are prohibited on the premises (includng the parking lot) at all times.
  18. Ladders and steps must be kept clear at all times so that patrons may have unimpeded access to the pool. Please do not congregate – or allow your children to congregate – around the ladders or steps.
  19. Inner tubes and rafts are not permitted during regular operating hours. At the discretion of the Board, inner tubes/rafts may be allowed during special events (ex: Raft Night), however Pool Staff may limit the size and number of inner tubes/rafts in order to ensure that lifeguards have an unobstructed view of all swimmers.
  20. Per County regulations, obstructions are prohibited within 6 feet of the edge of the main pool (3 feet for the baby pool). This includes chairs and tables. Chairs may not be placed in the pool at any time.



The Manager and/or Operator in charge is authorized to take reasonable actions to ensure safety and maximum enjoyment of the pool. The Operator is authorized to remove from the Club’s premises any person whose language or conduct violates the pool’s rules or regulations or is a safety hazard. The Operator in charge is authorized to remove from the Pool any member assisting an unauthorized person to enter the Club’s premises.


Diving Board / Well Safety Rules

• No goggles
• One person on the board at a time
• No back-flips
• Wait until the person in front of you gets to the ladder
• Do not jump to the side
• Make sure the safety rope is across the well
• One bounce
• No flotation devices

Water Slide Safety Rules
• No goggles
• Feet first
• Keep all hands and feet in the slide
• One person on the slide at a time
• Do not congregate around the bottom of the slide
• Look both ways when sliding
• No flotation devices

These operating rules and all amendments to them shall be available to each member and be posted at the Pool.

Revised January 2024